My last roses and my favourite plens I read an article in The Australian newspaper last week about handwriting disappearing from classrooms in the US, with the new national curriculum putting more importance on the computer keyboard than writing skills. There is a strong argument that children need correct typing skills for efficiency; but surely the core standards for young students should be using a pen, pencil, crayon - whatever the implement – to write. I remember the “good old” days when the teachers drew horizontal lines on the blackboard, all in chalk, and they would then form beautifully cursive letters for we little children to copy, carefully, in our own lined exercise books. Once we reached Grade 3 we used a “dipping pen” which we dipped in the ink of the built inkwells of the desks . And if we “dripped” the nuns would get very cross. I asked my niece, who is training to be a primary school teacher what the standards are in t...