Villefranche...the restaurant strip beside the water (Photo LP 2013) After four weeks in Villefranche-sur-Mer,France, I have settled in and feel a little like a local. My regular contact with the people in the little boulangerie, the nearby small supermarket, the butcher, the Tabac and the small shops I pass each day on my way to and from Institut de Français has resulted in a familiarity which I would not have expected. The regular " bonjour, ça va?" as I pass, or when I visit the market each Saturday morning, has made me feel at home. When I have mentioned that I am a student at the Institut the local people immediately smile and encourage me to speak in French, which was awkward in the beginning but as I have improved my confidence and my ability to speak in their language, these "locals" have encouraged me with their compliments, week by week. I am going to miss each and every one of them when I leave. My first meal inVil...
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